Anand Purushotham


Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Phone: 612-977-1040

Fax: 612-977-1043


Anand Purushotham practices in the area of personal injury law. He handles a variety of injury cases, ranging from motor vehicle collisions to premises liability cases. He also has extensive experience in no-fault arbitration. Additionally, Anand practices in the areas of workers’ compensation and insurance coverage.

Areas of Practice

90% Personal Injury

10% Workers' Compensation

Bar Admissions

Minnesota, 2010


University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota

J.D. - 2010

Honors: Maynard Pirsig Moot Court student instructor

Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

B.A. - 2004

Major: Psychology

Professional Associations and Memberships

Minnesota Association for Justice, Member

Past Employment Positions

Bowman and Brooke LLP, Summer Associate

Kroll Ontrack, Litigation Support, 2010 - 2011

St. Croix County, Wisconsin, Judicial Clerk



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